




穆罕默德·萨比赫·安瓦尔博士(Dr. Muhammad Sabieh Anwar)是物理学教授、阿哈默德·达乌德主席、以及拉合尔管理科学大学(LUMS)赛义德·巴巴尔·阿里科学与工程学院(SSE)院长。在2007年加入拉合尔管理科学大学科学与工程学院之前,萨比赫(Sabieh)曾是加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校化学和材料科学博士后,以及牛津大学获罗氏奖学金博士,于2008年获发展中国家科学院(TWAS)巴基斯坦物理学奖章,2015年获国家创新奖。他是穆斯林世界科学文化特别工作组(由高等教育委员会组成的国家研究与发展委员会)的成员,并担任一些巴基斯坦大学的顾问委员会成员。




Muhammad Sabieh Anwar

【Research Direction】

encompass spintronics, magnetism and optics

【Personal Profile】

Dr Muhammad Sabieh Anwar is Professor of physics, Ahmad Dawood Chair and Dean at the LUMS Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering. Prior to joining LUMS SSE in 2007, Sabieh was a post-doc in chemistry and materials science at University of California, Berkeley and a PhD student, as Rhodes Scholar, at the Oxford University. He is the recipient of the TWAS medal in physics for Pakistan in 2008 and the National Innovation Prize in 2015. He is member of the task force on the Culture of Science in the Muslim World, the National Committee on R&D constituted by the Higher Education Commission, and serves as Advisory Board Member of some Pakistani Universities.

【Key Achievements】

Sabieh helped establish the physics department at LUMS and was among the principal founders of the School’s experimental facilities and curriculum. Ideas from his physics instructional laboratories have been replicated in ten Pakistani universities. He has played an important role in introducing innovative learning tools, mostly revolving around insightful homegrown physics experiments, in Pakistan’s universities. His lectures are interspersed with in-class live demonstrations and are widely viewed over the internet. He is also the General Secretary of the Khwarizmi Science Society which is focused on the popularization of science at the grassroots levels. The Lahore Science Mela curated by Sabieh has attracted more than fifty thousand visitors over a span of six days in three years. 

Sabieh has published around eighty research articles in international journals including Science, the Physical Review series, Optics Express, Journal of the American Chemical Society and Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. His book on tabletop quantum mechanics experiments with single photons has recently been published by the Institute of Physics, UK. 
