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Prof. Zheng Yonghe

Professor Zheng joined in Educational Faculty in Beijing Normal University in April. 2018, with specific research interests on science education and educational technology. The Institute of science and education of Beijing Normal University was established in November 2019, and Prof Zheng was selected as the first president. Gather different academic forces inside and outside the university to jointly explore the frontier of cross-disciplinary research fields of information technology, neuroscience and science education.

Member of the information science department of the science and Technology Commission, and the basic education and Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education Ministry of education compulsory education curriculum revision comprehensive group, science curriculum standard revision group, information technology curriculum standard group experts Secretary General of the Council of the award scheme for outstanding computer teachers in Colleges and Universities Vice chairman of the Chinese society of Natural Science Museums Vice president of the 8th Council of China Youth Association Director of science and Technology Policy Research Association Vice chairman of science and technology management and evaluation committee.