Join Us
1 Member organizations comprise international organizations, regional organizations and country organizations. They should lay a certain working basis on teenager science education, be able to affect a certain number of teenagers and science instructors, and possess the ability to organize teenager science education exchange activities;
2 Member organizations share the spirit of “Belt and Road Initiative” and join the BRISEC on a voluntary basis;
3 More than one organization within each country shall be allowed to join the BRISEC;
4 A written application is required for a new organization to join, and will be submitted to the BRISEC by the Secretariat for reviewing and approved by the annual meeting;
5 Each member organization should nominate or endorse one person as an individual member of BRISEC. Individual members shall fully understand the work of the organization. If any individual member is unable to participate in meetings and activities under the framework of BRISEC, a representative may be designated to perform his or her duties on his or her behalf; any member organization may change its representative after submitting a written notification to BRISEC;
6 World renowned scientists and experienced educators with passionto promote international science education collaboration are also encouraged to join BRISEC as individual members and should be recommended or indorsed by a member organization;
7 If any member organization resigns from BRISEC, a written notification will be required; if any member organization fails to perform its responsibilities for three consecutive years, its BRISEC membership shall be cancelled, and its individual membership of BRISEC shall be cancelled accordingly. On every three years’ annual meeting, the work of member organizations under the framework of BRISEC shall be submitted to the BRISEC by the Secretariat. The list of disqualified member organizations will be approved then.
Tel:+86 (10) 68510419
Fax:+86 (10) 68511725
Address:Bldg. C China Hall of Science and Technology, No.3 Fuxing Ave. Beijing 100863, P. R. China
How to join us?