青少年科技运动会,是广西桂林兴华科学教育研究院创新研发的针对“创新精神和实践能力”在学校教育及评价中有效落实的一项科技活动比赛。今年青少年科技运动会作为第六届“一带一路”青少年创客营与教师研讨活动的亮点之一推出,从兴华国际青少年科技运动会中选择 “水火箭”、“铁丝陀螺”、“抛石机攻城”、“纸桥承重”4个比赛项目作为STEM学习挑战任务,诚邀“一带一路”国家青少年参与线上学习挑战,积极参与线上科技运动会“云挑战”和中国-东盟青少年“同上一堂科学课”。
In recent years, against the backdrop of the "Belt and Road" initiative and "China-ASEAN" cooperation, Guangxi has leveraged its location advantage in ASEAN to establish a platform for the exchange of science and technology education activities with ASEAN countries through international activities such as the Belt and Road Teenager Maker Camp & Teacher Workshop and the China-ASEAN Online Science Class, and carry out exchanges with ASEAN countries in the form of online lectures, training, expert reviews etc. To further improve the platform, the Youth STEM Study Contest and the China-ASEAN Online Science Class are incorporated into the 6th Belt and Road Teenager Maker Camp & Teacher Workshop as a session for China-ASEAN cooperation to broaden the exchanges with ASEAN countries.
The Youth STEM Study Contest is a contest developed by the Rise-China Academy of STEM Education in Guilin Guangxi for the effective implementation of "innovation spirit and practical ability" in school education and evaluation. 2022 Youth STEM Study Contest was launched as one of the highlights of the 6th Belt and Road Teenager Maker Camp & Teacher Workshop. Consisting of four challenges selected from the Rise-China International STEM Study Contest, namely the Water rocket, the Wire spinning top, the Stone Thrower Attack, and the Paper Bridge Weight Bearing. Teenagers from countries along “the Belt and Road were invited to participate in the Online STEM Study Contest and the China-ASEAN Online Science Class.
1. Online STEM Study Contest
Easily applicable, massively interesting and highly exploratory projects are selected to create the first online STEM study contest, namely, the "Belt and Road Youthful Exuberance Exhibition & Creativity Contest," which is open to participants from any involved countries. There are four options: the Water Rocket Launch Challenge, the Online Spinning Top Challenge Using Iron Wire, the Online Siege Challenge Using a Trebuchet, and the Online Paper Bridge Test. Learning resources for each challenge such as videos, textual materials will be provided for teachers and students of middle and high school from the countries along the Belt and Road. Participants can select one or more of these challenges, complete them as required through learning and research, and submit a video of the results and a research report on the study process. The performance of each online challenge will be displayed in descending order according to the latest results.
2. China-ASEAN Online Science Class
In September, the"Introducing Training into ASEAN Countries" project was launched to train science teachers by holding online lectures and training courses, elaborating the content of science lessons on the Water Rocket Launch Challenge, the Online Spinning Top Challenge Using Iron Wire, the Online Siege Challenge Using a Trebuchet, and the Online Paper Bridge Test. These science lessons will be conducted mainly in ASEAN countries and countries along the Belt and Road at the same time, and experts from multiple countries will make interactive comments in real time. Science teachers who have acquired new knowledge through training will conduct offline science lessons for teenagers in their own countries. During September to October, science lessons on the Water Rocket Launch Challenge, the Online Spinning Top Challenge Using Iron Wire, the Online Siege Challenge Using a Trebuchet, and the Online Paper Bridge Test will be held in multiple countries at the same time, creating a profound atmosphere of "Take Science Lessons Together " between China and ASEAN, innovating the form of activities, enhancing interactivity, and strengthening the exchange and sharing of science and technology education practices among countries along the Belt and Road.
The "China-ASEAN Regional Cooperation" section was created in the hope of actively promoting the joint participation of the "Belt and Road" countries and ASEAN countries through the platform of integrating international exchange activities in science and technology education, and gradually forming a diversified and multi-level regional cooperation structure. We believe that, in the future, a new era of China-ASEAN cooperation in science education for teenagers will be ushered in through joint efforts.